Bedlam Rebels
We got to know local San Diego rock band, Bedlam Rebels. The four man band consists of: Sean Macomber, Chris Sporleder, Nick Chisholm and Chris Eaton. The guys open up about recording their EP, their dreams and advice for fellow musicians.
1. What was it like coming together and forming the band, and how did you find each other?
How this whole thing started begins with Chris Sporleder, one of two guitar players in the band. He was working as an audio engineer in LA when he then decided to focus his time on making his own music. After hearing a band by the name of Real Brew which Sean Macomber and Chris Eaton were formally a member, Chris decided to reach out to Sean about starting a project. Sean happened to be checking the junk folder of his email and found the message Chris had sent him and replied right away. Sean told his old band mate also Chris or “Noodle” about the message and they all three met up. They then decided they needed a drummer, which all rock and roll bands need right? It was only a few weeks later when Sean and Noodle were jamming at a mutual friends house for a fourth of July party where they just so happened to meet up with long time friend Nick Chisholm, who happened to play drums. Nick, Sean and Noodle were classmates throughout their schooling so there were no new introductions. After jamming with this new quartet, a band was formed.
2. You released your self-titled EP earlier this year, what was it like recording it?
We decided to rent a ranch house in Joshua Tree and set up shop for a weekend. Chris having already worked as an engineer was able to turn the house into a studio for the weekend. It was a very liberating experience being just the four of us with complete control over the recording process. We have all spent much time in the desert, especially Joshua tree so the vibe couldn’t have been more perfect.
3. Bedlam Rebels is a unique name, how did you decide on it and what does it mean to you?
What does a band name really mean anyways? But the name Bedlam Rebels came from Sporleder, who had read about a loony bin in London in the 18th century called Bethlam Hospital, where an observer at the time described the living conditions as a state of madness. The word Bethlam was then shortened to Bedlam and used to describe uproar and confusion. From there the Sporleder coined the phrase Bedlam Rebels.
4. What message(s) are you conveying to listeners in your single, Dying Breed?
Sean: I was more or less conveying my frustrations of how transparency is being lost among our culture. It ties into the line of the song, “Tell me like it is and I wont blame you”.
5. Who are some of your musical inspirations?
We all love rock n roll. The attitude, sound and the sheer force is a mutual agreement amongst the band. Individually some standouts would be a rhythm section pulling from Drummers Mitch Mitchell and John Theodore along with incorporating bass lines similar to Gezer Butler and Jack Bruce. Layered on top you can defiantly hear guitar works being pulled from Keith Richards all the way to Tom Morello. Having two guitar players we try and focus on a weaving style rather than a strict lead or rhythm. Vocally Sean’s influences range from Roger Daltrey to Kurt Cobain.
6. We encourage others to move forward in the direction of their dreams. What has your journey looked like to get to this point and what obstacles have overcome to continue following your music dreams?
With four members that have vastly different personalities, communication is key. Once we learned how properly communicate we have been able to utilize our differences and make them strengths. The obstacles we have encountered are much like that of any other band. With the saturation of the music business and how technology has allowed individuals who before might have not have had the same success without it, it’s hard to stand out.
7. What advice have you been given that’s stuck with you while on your journey?
A mutual friend always told us that the difference between the musicians who became successful and the ones who didn’t, is that the ones who did never stopped. Another saying we like to kick around is from Joshua Homme, “If you expect anything from music, you’re expecting too much”. At the end of the day regardless what happens we are never going to stop improving and making art.
8. Whats up next for you guys? Whats the future looking like?
We are planning on releasing a string of new singles in the next few months along with a live performance video of our new material. We are also seeking management and label support.
9. What would you tell a fan or friend who is on the fence about going after a crazy dream but is scared and on the fence?
They way we look at it is, noting has been accomplished on the fence. Dreams are nothing but decisions waiting to be made. If you make the decision and work harder than anyone around you, it might actually happen.
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