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Interview --- 1. Tommy and Shea, I read the first day you met in 6th grade you got into a fist fight? Who won? Shea: We did get in a fist fight, yeah. Tommy: There’ve been a couple along the way. Shea: Once or twice. It was at the pool at his parents’ house. Tommy: No one really remembers who won. Shea: I don’t know if there was a definitive victor or not. I think we just stopped and I left, and I didn’t think I wanted to

Q: You guys have had a long career. That’s an accomplishment in and of itself! What was the tipping point where playing in a band went from being a hobby to being on the path to success? We all kind of have different journeys because we found each other later on in different bands. For me, it happened when I was really young, but I knew with a crushing pain that I had to be a music creator when I was 9

Interview --- 1.  First off, congrats. You guys have had a long run. 20 years. That’s a success in itself. Not Many people can say that. To have that tenacity and that long of a career, that’s impressive. JB Brubaker: It’s been a long run for sure. We’re really proud of what we’ve accomplished in 20 years, and I feel like it almost is surprising to think that it's been 20 years because it doesn’t really feel that way to me. And then we

Interview --- 1. Tell us about the first show you ever played. I’m trying to think if that was me and a band in high school. There was this thing called Griffstock, because we were the Griffins, so we just would cover Tame Impala, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Zeppelin. It was in the cafeteria of my high school. I sang a couple songs. My high school friends and I actually had a little band reunion two years ago. That was cute. That was

Q: Save Ferris has been a staple of the ska & punk scene since 1995! Back when the band started out, what were your biggest challenges and how did you face them? A: Well, you know, I was like 19 when I joined the band. Probably within a year of being in a band we got signed, and we were getting played on radio everywhere, and we were touring everywhere. I just really hadn’t found my voice yet as a person. So,

Q: Who did you guys resonate with at the beginning of your career? Any other bands or people who inspired you from the jump? Scott Russo: Yeah, from my mom’s side of the family it was like The Beatles, Buddy Holly, and Patsy Cline. Lots of pop and old country like that. My dad, on the other hand, he really pumped in Earth Wind & Fire and Michael Jackson, and shit like that. There’s a lot of soul from his side. Our

Interview --- 1.  Which came first in your life: drums or singing? Drums. I went to a parade at 4 years old, saw the local marching band, went home and fashioned a drum out of a bucket and marched around the house. --- 2.  What did you play in your first band? Drums. And I sang a cover of “Message in a Bottle” by The Police while playing drums. --- 3.  You recently started playing guitar. What was it like picking up a new instrument at this point? Frustrating, because

Interview --- 1.  How did you guys meet? Nate: I met Max. We went to the same middle school. I met him in 7th grade, but in 8th grade we finally had more classes together. We kind of just started talking. We liked a couple of the same bands, played some of the same games and stuff, and kinda merged friend groups. Then we just started playing music together. We’d jam for years and years. Finally, junior year we started to take music pretty

Interview --- 1.  So, how did you all meet each other? Shelbi: Well, Jenny and I met a long, long time ago. I met her when she was in the Heavy Guilt.  Jenny: How many years ago? Shelbi: Almost ten, because I met you probably when I was 20. I don’t think I was even 21… I fucking know. We started working at the School of Rock around the same time, and then we met Josh. Jenny: So, us three (Shelbi, Josh, Jenny), we all worked here

Interview --- 1.  Where does your bandname Fieldrush come from? Trevor: It really was just the name we landed on after spitballing so many different names that didn’t work. And one day Jin threw it in the chat, and it was just like, “yeah, this is the name.” Diego: Yeah. It was the one where we all unanimously were like, “yup.” That feels like it captures our style and our attitudes and mood, and just like, the energy of the music as well. Trevor: We were