The Gloomies
Born out of Southern California, Andy Craig combines the local with New York jazz to create their own surf-style. Since 2015 when The Gloomies burst onto the scene, the band has been dropping music consistently, including their latest “Moonlight” released just this past month. We had the chance to ask the band about how they created their unique sound, and what inspires them to make music.
1. How did you get your start in music, were there any challenges or major milestones?
I started playing in punk bands in middle school and from there it never really stopped. I was always writing music or playing in bands after that. But after touring in bands for a while all over the US and a lot of Europe I decided that I wanted to play for myself and have my own project.
2. Our name, REVOLT, means to Revolt against anything holding you back and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. How did you choose your name, and what does it mean to you?
I’ve always been into how different words and designs aesthetically reach me. “The Gloomies” just stuck out as visually looking really cool.
3. How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never heard it before?
I describe it as hypnotic surf music. We’ve been a lot more experimental with the new stuff. We’re trying to mix surf and jazz style guitar work with electronic elements into something thats beat driven like a Hip-hop record.
4. As people who have made music both in New York as well as San Diego, do you think you incorporate both places into your sound, if so how?
I used to think the place you are is really significant but the more I move around and travel the more I think that there is no real difference. It’s about a state of mind, and my mind is always in both places. I love the beach but I love the craziness of the nonstop lifestyle out here in New York.
5. If your music had a home, where would it be?
Buried under Hawaii.
6. What does your creative process look like? How do you go about creating a song?
My process starts with me recording a melody whether its on an instrument or singing on a voice memo. I’ll go through my phone memos every couple weeks and see if there’s anything that sticks out to me and then I start putting together the song from there. But honestly there is no one way about it, sometimes I will have an idea and just demo the entire thing right there.
7. What musicians do you think influences you the most? Got any all-time favorites?
I am not sure if there is any one artist that is influencing me most, it’s kind of constantly evolving. I listen to a lot of different types of music and I’ll be on a kick of one thing for a bit and then move on to something else. If there is anything that sticks around for the long haul it’s 60’s soul records.
8. We know you just released some music, what’s your favorite recent song you’ve released and why? And what can we look forward to in the future?
My favorite song right now is Moonlight. It’s the newest single that we released in September. I think it’s the truest form of what I’ve been trying to do from the very beginning of the band. I’m excited about the next single “Sick Like You” as well, which is out on October 18th, and then our new record comes out at the beginning of next year.
More Info: Website // Facebook // Instagram
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