The Tenders
We sat down and got to know this talented trio from Nashville called The Tenders. Tracy Jean, Ariel Isa and Marco Argiro came together to form the band after working together as bartenders in a Nashville bar. They quickly discovered their chemistry and love for music and formed the band. For being a new band, they have already made a new for themselves and are continuing to grow. With plans of coming West and a show in San Diego next month, we’re stoked to see what’s next for them.
1. Tell us about how the three of you came together to form The Tenders?
We all met working at a bar in East Nashville, Tennessee! We started making noise together while casually hanging out in our friends studio, then discovered we had a lot of common interests, and continued on from there!
2. What has your musical journey been like? Did you all three always know that you wanted to pursue music?
Marco – Yeah, since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to pursue music. I started out playing in punk rock bands in Florida which eventually took me to New York where I played in a number of projects for almost 15 years. Eventually New York lead me to Nashville where I met Tracy and Ariel!
Tracy – Music has always been a big part of my life. I like to get creative in lots of ways and playing drums is another extension of that!
Ariel – I knew what I wanted to do with my life since 4th grade after watching Jem and the Holograms for the first time!
3. Being in the music industry can be tough. How do you stay motivated and stand out from the crowd?
We’re passionate about all parts of the band, but standing out can be tough so we go out of our way with our presentation! Tracy and Ariel design and make the stage costumes, Marco pillages for fun stage props to add to our live aesthetic, and we all work together to make sure each look is cohesive and fun.
4. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
We have a lot of different influences as a whole including The Cramps, Ramones, Link Wray, The Sonics, The Seeds, The Troggs, Roy Orbison etc.
5. Music, like wine, is a medium for people to experience a moment or emotion. What message or feeling do you hope fans pull from your music?
We just want to have a good time and help people step out of their everyday reality to enjoy the moment.
6. Our name, REVOLT, means revolting against anything holding you back and going after your dreams. What does your name, The Tenders, mean?
We all are bartenders, thus the name The Tenders, but its also a throw back to pop groups of the 50’s and 60’s. (We’re definitely not named after hot chicken!!!!)
7. How do you get in your zone creatively?
Marco – I like to sit down at the piano, or pick up my acoustic guitar with some devils lettuce! Late nights is when I usually feel the most creative.
Tracy – Jazz cigarettes……
Ariel – I like watching old B movies. They usually put me in a creative mood!
8. We love seeing a group with more females than males! As a result, have you encountered any advantages and/or disadvantages?
Yeah – of course there are advantages and disadvantages, but overall most everyone we’ve met has been really supportive and receptive to our music, but as far as we know it hasn’t been because of our genders.
9. Tell us about one of your biggest successes as a group so far, and one that you are still striving to achieve.
Our second show as a band was this years SXSW down in Austin TX – at this point the sky is the limit!!
10. What advice would you give to a fan who is on the fence about taking the leap and pursuing that crazy dream they’ve always had?
Do it!
11. Any good stories involving wine you want to share?
We love wine! We look forward to having a glass or two with you when The Tenders come through San Diego.
More Info: Website // Facebook // Instagram
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