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Jason DeVore

Jason DeVore

Jason DeVore, renowned as the dynamic frontman of Arizona punk institution Authority Zero, has recently unveiled his fourth solo endeavor, ‘Til The Voice Goes Out, released through Double Helix Records in collaboration with SBÄM Records from Austria and Caffeine Bomb Records in Japan.

Jason’s impact is undeniably historic. Over the span of three decades, he has not only carved out a distinguished career as the lead singer of Authority Zero, but has also garnered international recognition as a solo artist. Alongside influential acts like Jimmy Eat World and Gin Blossoms, Authority Zero played a pivotal role in placing Arizona on the global musical landscape.

Read below to hear Jason’s story as it continues to write itself full steam ahead!

Photo by Jim Louvau


Interview with Jason DeVore

Q: Congratulations on your fourth solo album, ‘Til The Voice Goes Out! How does this record represent a new chapter in your solo career compared to your previous albums?

A: Thank you! It fully represents this new chapter in so many ways. Sonically, lyrically, and on a whole other level of production. Not in the way that it’s “over produced” per say as some who hear that may think, but more on an instrumentation and “vision” level.


Q: You’ve mentioned ‘Til The Voice Goes Out is a “healing” record for you. Can you elaborate on how this album reflects your personal journey and growth, especially since your last solo release?

A: It’s essentially been my Journal, then I suppose all really have been. Throughout them all I have gone deep into the feels without an awful lot of sugar coating or resolve. Just blatant honesty and extremely vulnerable. This one is no different in that way, if not even more so than the first three Conviction albums. This is a completely new chapter, with a bit of a new and chance-taking direction (yet familiar enough to the prior releases), and it is honestly more electric both audibly and in that of the emotion coming from it. I mention in interviews that it was healing as it was written from the time I was in my most difficult place and then coming out on the other side into clarity. It is an emotional rollercoaster through that whole process and I’m sure, if not hopeful, that the listener will hear that within.


Q: Looking back, can you describe the moment in your life where music went from your hobby to your full-time career? What brought that moment about, and did you even realize it at the time?

A: It was actually July of 2001 when my band Authority Zero got out first record deal with Lava/Atlantic Records. From that point forward we all quit our jobs, and hit the road running. Haven’t stopped running and chasing these dreams since. The build up to that moment was a whole lot of house parties, impromptu street performances, and grinding nonstop.


Q: As a seasoned musician, how has your songwriting process evolved over the years, especially when it comes to your solo work versus your work with Authority Zero?

A: I’d say exponentially. I’ve learned a great deal throughout the years through other musicians and peers along the way. Rather than being one who thinks they know it all and their way is the right way, I’m rather the opposite. I love to learn and have an extremely open mind yearning to absorb new techniques, points of view in debate to find the best thing for the song, and my influences have spanned wider as the years have gone on. I’m just a big fan of all music and sounds universally these days. In my youth, if it wasn’t fast and I couldn’t skate to it, I would write it off like a close minded little twerp lol.


Q: Turning to Authority Zero, you’re celebrating 30 years as a band with an extensive tour. How does it feel to reach such a milestone, and what can fans expect from these upcoming shows?

A: It feels monumental. A great sense of achievement, gratitude, and self determination and preservation have come over me this year. The more the years go by, the more intense I feel myself getting. I quit drinking almost three years ago now and my energy and appreciation for every live show has resurged, so I play each show with all I’ve got and then push even harder. I think they’ll be in for a good time!


Q: How does your approach to performing live differ when you’re touring with Authority Zero versus performing your solo material? Are there aspects of each that you find fulfilling in different ways?

A: Oh man, it’s a totally different monster. Some may call it a split personality of sorts haha. The Authority shows, you’re getting me at 250 BPM (beats per minute) of full bore sweaty physical and mental intensity, whereas with the solo gigs, more the 125 BMP Version but uniquely in a 250 vocal and emotional vibe. They are each the ying to the yang. You get both sides of me throughout it all.


Q: Authority Zero’s latest album, ‘Ollie Ollie Free,’ received great acclaim. Can you give us a sneak peek into what fans can expect from the upcoming EP and how it builds on the band’s previous work?

A: Yeah that’s a tough one to beat! We were very proud of that record especially given it being written in the hardships of the World during the pandemic time frame. We wanted to bring light into the dark world with that rather than complain about what was happening. We feel we nailed it with that approach in mind. With the upcoming 30 Year EP/Vinyl there is a lot of self reflection as well and an urgency to speak your mind and fight for what you believe in. I think kids will be stoked as it is very high energy.


Q: Do you have a favorite San Diego memory from your past tours you could share with our readers?

A: So many fine memories throughout the years in San Diego. Countless really. But one that stands out was that I remember playing the Rock Against Bush Tour what seems like 100 years ago at Soma with NOFX, Alkaline Trio, and Jello Biafra. Killer show. Also San Diego Street Fest with Cyprus hills was awesome.


Q: Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future, both personally and musically? Are there any new projects or collaborations on the horizon that you’re particularly excited about?

A: One of my biggest goals is to tour and perform as much as possible in support of my new record. It gets a bit challenging and at times frustrating to not just be able hit the road hard with my solo record to get out and push it at 120% due to my band being so heavily loaded with touring, but then with the group being equally as important, with it being our 30 year, it’s just something I have to find balance in. Due to that, my goal is to give as much of myself of each to the fullest on stage and off every time, every opportunity I get. I really want to see this record do well and reach as many people and ears as humanly possible, so I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens regardless of time and energy.


Q: Finally, with all of your experiences over the years, what advice do you have for bands & artists just beginning their musical journey?

A: Do it for you, then the fans. If you do it for you, the fans will come. Be true to yourself, stay positive, patient, but also persistent. If you hit a wall what seems over and over again, keep hitting that wall as it will eventually crumble.