Kit Major
Newport Beach’s #1 dirty misfit Kit Major grew up in Chicago, Tokyo, & Beijing with The Ramones, Green Day, David Bowie & Britney Spears on repeat, Kit has been hopping genres effortlessly from alt pop to 90’s alternative to grunge ever since releasing her first single “Strawberry Milkshake” in 2018.
We sat down with Kit Major before band practice to pick her mind about all things music, wine, & donuts. Her most recent releases Break Up Again / I Wish U Didn’t Hate Me So Much are out everywhere now!
Photo: Nat Souza
1. Where did the name Kit Major come from?
So, Kit Major actually came from my sister. My nickname is Kit. And then Major came actually from a Charlie XCX concert. I used to go by CAT with all capital letters. I was looking at the bill and I saw other people with their names in capital letters and I was just like, I can’t see my name on this bill. I can already tell. And so I wanted to have a different name… and we were drunk.
2. You grew up all over the world: Beijing, Chicago, Tokyo. Where did you discover your love for music and singing?
I discovered my love for music in Beijing. And I discovered my love for singing in Chicago. In Beijing, I was five. My parents played a lot of music, so part of it was because of the music that my parents would play in the house or in the car. My dad was in a cover band. And it was called The Three No’s. So my sisters and I, we all have a tattoo of his band. But he was in a cover band, so his setup was downstairs right next to where my sister and I would play Barbies. We would play Barbies purposely to see my dad do band practice and hear him do his covers. So, that was how that kind of started. And then for singing, I just started writing songs when I was about seven or eight, and would put on little plays and shows for my parents. I always played “music teacher.” That was like my favorite imaginary game.
3. What was the hardest part about getting started as a professional musician?
I think that the main thing was actually having the guts to do it. Everything is like a “fake-it-till-you-make-it” kind of thing. And a lot of the things that I was doing at the beginning and what I still do, I call it throwing eggs at a wall. I just try to see what sticks. So, you know, a lot of things I didn’t know were even possible until one of them was an egg. You think you can’t book a show? You email the booker (I hate saying “booker” because it sounds like booger, so I never know what to actually call it). But you email the venue that you want to play at. That’s how you learn that you can actually set up something. Or reaching out to a musician that you look up to. One of my friends is my friend because I really liked a cover of hers. I was just like, “how did you come up with that rendition?” I think when you give yourself the permission to kind of make a mistake, you can go down different paths. I remember that moment of sitting at the piano with Noelle, and she was like, “are you going to ever show your music outside of this?” Because she’d come home from school and I’d have a song written. She was like, “are you going to do anything with that?” And it was like, “I don’t know how.” And she was like, “well why don’t we just message that producer guy, Wade?”
4. What advice do you have for people who want to start something, but are afraid to get started?
Everything just happens when you just decide to do it. And that’s always the best answer because you just got to start doing it. It’s also the answer people hate to hear, but it’s like, “what do I do?” Everyone starts at zero. But there’s no way to say that answer without sounding like a billboard, but it’s so true though. And I’m also saying it out loud just so I hear it again because I kind of needed to hear that.
5. In the song X, you thank your ex for “the music recs” and say, “now we’re at the same show, but I’m opening for them this time.” What band are you talking about?
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard.
6. As a social media manager, what advice do you have for bands to help promote online?
Be vulnerable and also have like five to ten of your favorite people to send your music to before the song’s out. If you’re nervous about promoting, don’t be afraid to ask for help with like: “Hey! I’m doing this. Can you give this a like and whatever?” So, my advice would be to get five to ten people that you know and you trust and you don’t feel silly being like, “hey, can you just give us a like and a comment just to put it out there and send it down the river?” Don’t be afraid to get started and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
7. What’s a social media hack every band could use?
Just one? Oh um, renaming your website tags on your story so you’re not just saying, “here’s the ticket ticket link.” I would say, “come party with me” or, “y’all want to see something nuts?”
8. Last question: boyfriends, donuts, & wine. You can keep two, but one goes away forever. Which do you choose?
It’s boyfriends. My family, we run on donuts. We are a donut family. Yeah. Not wine. I need my REVOLT wine!
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