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Q: What were your early experiences with music like? Being from East Brunswick, did that influence the kinds of music you heard growing up? A: My family are big music lovers so some of my earliest listening experiences are hearing “Dark Side of the Moon” in the backseat of my parents car and dancing to Sly and the Family Stone with my mom in the kitchen. I think being from NY/NJ means you are going be hearing A LOT of Bruce Springsteen

Q: Congratulations on your fourth solo album, 'Til The Voice Goes Out! How does this record represent a new chapter in your solo career compared to your previous albums? A: Thank you! It fully represents this new chapter in so many ways. Sonically, lyrically, and on a whole other level of production. Not in the way that it’s “over produced” per say as some who hear that may think, but more on an instrumentation and “vision” level. ---- Q: You've mentioned 'Til The Voice

Q: Tell us about your early experiences in music that lit the spark! A: My mom actually had a karaoke business that she would go and do parties, and things like that. She sort of used me as the “ice breaker.” Like, if nobody was signing up she would have me go up and sing Boys II Men or something. I don’t know. I enjoyed it, and I was kinda good at it. I just did it, so yeah - Karaoke! ---- Q: